25 The System

-Running environments.
"A-X-E-S" uses CommunityPlace System that was developed by Sony corporation. This system is the system to carry out VRML world as a multi-user world. We used Sun ultra workstation as a CommunityPlace server environment, and used Windows95 PC as a CommunityPlace browser environment. This client PC needs a high-end graphic accelerator board. The client software is a free software, and everyone can download from http://vs.sony.co.jp/. This system works only on CommunityPlace system because we used this system's individual specification. A multi-user environment is realized by this individual specification, and it is possible that more than one user accesses the world of "A-X-E-S" at the same time. The activities which a certain user did influence other users through CommunityPlace Server. The user is indicated on the screen if other users exist in the user's sight. However, the user's sight is not so wide. Therefore, it is very difficult to confirm the existence of other users through the screen. On the other hand, it is possible for each user that the existence of other users is confirmed without using a screen. In other word, because each user's behavior influences the whole of the world of "A-X-E-S" directly, each user can confirm the existence of other users by observing a change of the world of "A-X-E-S."

-The structure of the world of A-X-E-S.
Some objects exist in the world of "A-X-E-S." Based on the distance with the user, an object appears before the user by the different form. There are two kinds of forms named "component" and the "phrase." A Figure-A shows a "component," and a Figure-B shows a "phrases." The form of the "component" is a cube. Two kinds of "component" exists. The large "component" contains the some small "components," and small "component" contains the some "phrases." Each "component" has a respectively different theme. This theme shows the category of sound, and each "component" contains the "phrase" that met its theme. "Components" are located in the place of each apex and the center of large "components." Each "component" is moved in the orbit where this large "components" rotates, and each "component" itself does rotation, too. The "phrase" is composed by the sound source and the sound truck. The form of the sound truck is like a string. The eight "phrases" make one group, and each "component" contains two or three "phrase" groups. The sound source is expressed by the little cube. The sound source has small sound data based on the theme which a "component" has, and the sound source always reproduces this sound data. A sound truck shows the orbit which the sound source is moved to, and each sound source contains only one sound data. The speed that the sound source is moved on the sound truck is different in every sound source, and the sound source goes on the sound truck. The "phrase" repeats a rotation movement at a respectively different speed.
The "component" and the "phrase" are never used at the same time. It is judged which form is used based on the distance with the user's position and the object's position in the world of "A-X-E-S". A "component" indicates at the moment when a user is away from the object. When a user approaches a "component," a "component" disappears and the "phrase" indicates. When the "phrase" is indicated, the "phrase" disappears by a user's going away from the object, and a "component" indicates. When the form of the object is "component," the sound source doesn't indicated. The sound source only indicates in the form of the "phrase." However, there are no relationship between the indication of the sound source and the existence of this. Therefore, when the sound source doesn't indicate, user cannot find the form of the sound source, but can hear the hidden sound. In the world of "A-X-E-S," the form is not an essential thing. User must use the sense of hearing.

