Collaborative Design Research Project

Principal Investigator: SUZUKI Nobuya
Co-Investigator: AKABANE Kyo
Project Period: 2023-

  • ゴムの森のプログラミング体験の様子
  • ゴムの森ワークショップの様子1
  • ゴムの森ワークショップの様子2
  • 土場に集められた広葉樹
  • 飛騨市における広葉樹の活用や飛騨市広葉樹活用推進コンソーシアムについて、広葉樹活用コンシェルジュの及川幹氏
  • 飛騨市の広葉樹を材として建築された森の端オフィス。床だけではなく、家具や断熱材にも広葉樹が使用されています



Although the number of examples of design methodologies, such as design thinking, etc., that seek to discover social problems and solve them through the development of objects and systems has been increasing since around 2004, it is time to examine the methodologies themselves, including the people who implement those methodologies, their rules of thumb, the setting of the target frame, then the impact of the proposed solution itself. At an impasse in a society based on consumption, and in a situation presently where we are moving towards sustainability, we believe it is necessary to explore new ways of asking questions and the impact and scope of the design process involved, while taking into account the social nature behind this shift and the changing values of people. Especially in rural areas and companies, there is a tendency for design to be viewed as a tool, and we are in a situation where we need to re-examine the relationship, including our understanding of the process and our relationship with design. In order to overcome the conventional modern design based on cause and effect, we are experimenting with wholeness and its impact, considering the relationship between the designer and the subject of design, and examining the scope of design’s influence on society.

 In the projects of this fiscal year, we progressed our dialogue with regions and businesses, and we developed activities to examine the role of design. While including dialogue methods to identify where we intersect with each other in our interactions with those outside of the university, we shared the design of a frame and vision that we were trying to operate, and including an understanding of the process and prototyping, each of these relationships was practiced or investigated. More specifically we had three targets. The first was the collaborative research “IAMAS Kodomo Daigaku” with “Ogaki city”, the second was a survey related to activities concerning hardwood trees “Hida Furniture – Parametric Design,” which was centered around “In the Forests of Hida bears dance”, and the third was the implementation of a survey relating to “Support for Foreign Residents in Gifu” paired with advertising businesses searching for new connections with the region that were targetting foreign residents in Gifu prefecture.
 Whilst prototyping and redesigning the workshop “Forest made of rubber strings” implemented in 2019 for the “IAMAS Kodomo Daigaku” we implemented an experience that fused the concept and physicality of programming in the form of play for elementary school students in Ogaki city.
 In the “Hida Furniture – Parametric Design” project we researched the current situation by hearing from the individuals associated with each site from the cutting of hardwood trees, to their distribution and all the way to the activities they perform. While hardwoods are hard and suited for becoming furniture, the range of character in these trees is characteristic in that the color and thickness of the trees is not uniform alongside there being many varieties of trees. We are examining whether or not we can make new suggestions for such hardwoods from the perspective of the digital fabrication.
 In the “Support for Foreign Residents in Gifu” project, whilst the current situation shows that there are people who have come to Gifu prefecture from various countries, those persons do not understand how to interact with the government. We are searching for the factors that lead to this situation, what sort of interactions can be made with design, and whilst surveying the situation, what sort of relationship can be made.