Technology for Welfare Project

研究補助員|篠田 幸雄
Principal Investigator: YAMADA Koji
Co-Investigator: KOBAYASHI Takahiro
Research Assistant: SHINODA Yukio
Project Period: 2014-

  • オープンハウスでの展示
  • 授業実践
  • 危険を疑似体験


・電子工作を使った教材作成のためのプラットフォーム 「causal SW」の提案
causal SWは、「教材自作部」(篠田幸雄氏主催)が提案している、電子工作を使った教材を簡単に作ることができるように設計した教材プラットフォームで、子供たちが触れたり振動させたりすると、それに対応した音や光の出力を感じるので、因果関係の理解を促すなどの教材にすることができます。電子工作の知識がなくても、対象児や授業に合わせた入力部と出力音を作るだけで、電子工作応用教材として仕上げられるように工夫しました。
 特別支援学校の先生方に、causal SWを使った作例に触ってもらう展示をし、causal SWの導入ワークショップを実施して、授業実践に繋がり始めました。



In contemporary society, it is not only our lifestyles, but also our sense of values that are becoming more diverse. While living in such a modern age, we solve challenges and flaws that we feel sometimes using technology, we propose new ways of living and aim for a future filled with hope.
 This project handles extensive contents concerning our “welfare situated closely” and is not just limited to “welfare in a narrow sense of the word” represented by welfare for the disabled, etc.
 On the other hand, the frequency of natural disasters has increased, and it is thought that the scope of receiving harm is amplifying. Under such threats, it is thought that of course to guard one’s life from disasters is crucial, but a method to live positively is also necessary during disasters. This project also tackles against “disaster prevention” as one of its themes.

・The proposal of a platform “causal SW” for the creation of educational materials using electronics
Causal SW is a teaching material platform designed to make it easy to create using electronics, as proposed by the “Kyouzai-jisakubu” (organized by Mr. Yukio Shinoda). When children touch or oscillate the device, they feel the corresponding light and sound output which can be used to create teaching materials to promote an understanding of causal relationships, etc. We devised a way so that even those with no knowledge of electronics can complete the applied electronic teaching materials by simply creating input units and output sounds to suit the target children and class.
 We held an exhibition for special needs school teachers to come in contact with examples of materials made using causal SW, and we implemented a workshop for the introduction of causal SW. This lead the beginning of classroom practice.

・Preliminary survey related to the school’s students with a development coordination disorder (DCD)
DCD is one type of developmental disorder referring to poor ability in coordination (doing multiple movements at the same time). Within that there is a particular focus on cases where children who sit on their seats cannot maintain proper posture, and we planned a proposal for a technical aid to support the target children and students. We plan for the implementation of surveys to be sent out to the schools those children commute to in advance.

・XR educational materials, an app about unsafe incidents
Continuing since last year, the app “Hiyarihatto” which is directed towards children in special needs schools. The contents amount to the likes of them running down the corridor and then a teacher jumping out from the side. It was initiated based on the opinion that rather than verbally telling children about dangers, having them simulate the dangers through an AR app would promote better understanding.