Time-Based Media Project

Principal Investigator: MIWA Masahiro
Co-Investigator: MAEDA Shinjiro, OKUBO Miki
Project Period: 2018-2023

  • 方法作品の再演(IAMAS ARTIST FILE #09 岐阜県美術館)
  • 門田健嗣《HUMAN-BODY-STRUCTURE》(TBMプロジェクト展)

 このような状況の中で、かつて「芸術」と呼ばれていたものは、私たちにとっていま、どのような意味を持つものなのでしょうか? このプロジェクトでは特に時間芸術、すなわち時間的経過の中で行われる様々な「表現」に注目し、特に「装置を用いた表現」を意識しながら、この問題に取り組みます。それは「機械」と私たちの身体との関係をめぐる探求であり、さらにメディアと人間存在との関係性を問うことでもあります。

・学生作品の制作、発表 (通年)
・7月22日、23日 IAMAS OPEN HOUSE 2023 TBMプロジェクト展
・インターネット上でのGenerative Streaming作品
・10月11日〜12月24日 『IAMAS ARTIST FILE #09 〈方法主義芸術〉─規則・解釈・(反)身体』
   11月11日 AI美芸展2023「AI芸術の先駆と拡張」コンサート記録映像の上映会
   11月11日 第47回AI美芸研「方法芸術とAI美学芸術」
   12月24日 方法作品の再演
・12月3日 日本映像学会・映像表現研究会 MIF 名古屋プログラム出品(愛知芸術文化センター)
・12月7日〜10日 『岐阜おおがきビエンナーレ2023〈方法/Method〉』
  12月7日 ガムラン演奏会、開会の挨拶
   基調講演「方法絵画・方法詩・方法音楽 ~方法主義はポストメディウムではない~」
  12月8日 鼎談 岡田暁生 × 三輪眞弘×吉岡洋「真理と方法、再び」
  12月9日 三輪眞弘作品の再演コンサート・トークイベント
  12月10日 篠原資明×松井茂「方法と瞑想」
・2024年2月23日、24日 ICSAF 2023/JSSA先端芸術音楽創作学会研究会での学生発表
・2024年3月6日 日本映像学会中部支部研究会での学生発表

Ever since the invention of gramophones, photos, and movies, mankind has expanded in various ways the possibilities of “expressions using devices”, and it has become part of one’s everyday to pseudo-experience events that do not exist “here and now.” Particularly, including videos and acoustics, every type of “expression” is becoming digitalized. The emergence of a “new time and space” on the network that integrates them one after another has truly acquired a sense of existence as a “second reality” for us.
 Amidst this situation, what sort of meaning do the things that were called “art” in the past have now to us in the present? In this project there is a particular focus on time art, in other words, the various “expressions” that have been executed in the elapse of time. More specifically, this issue is tackled whilst being conscious of “expressions using devices”. The project is an investigation regarding the relationship between “machines” and our physical bodies. Furthermore, this project also questions the relationship between media and the existence of human beings.

Contents of activities:
・The creation and presentation of student works (all years)
・Management of the gamelan instrument club
  Performance held at the IAMAS OPEN HOUSE 2023
  Performance held at the “Gifu Ogaki Biennale 2023 (Houhou/Method)”
・ July 22nd and 23rd TBM Project Exhibition at the IAMAS OPEN HOUSE 2023
  Dance performance centered around Tomoe Kojima
・ Generative Streaming work through the internet
  Masahiro Miwa’s “The Divine Melody” is restreamed
・ October 11th to December 24th Events relating to the “IAMAS ARTIST FILE #09 ‘Methodicist Art’ – Rules, Interpretations and Body in Question”
  11th of October Screening party of a video recording “Pioneers and Extensions of AI Art” at the AI Art and Aesthetics Exhibition 2023
  11th of October The 47th AI Art and Aesthetics Research Group Meeting “Methodicist Art and AI Art and Aesthetics”
  24th of December “Revival performance of Methodist works”
・ December 3rd Screening at the MIF Nagoya Program, Study of Film-making & Media Art Expression, Japan Society of Imaging Arts & Sciences (Aichi Arts Center)
・December 7th to 10th “Gifu Ogaki Biennale 2023 ‘Houhou/Method'”
  December 7th Gamelan recital and opening address
  Keynote address title:
   ”Method Painting, Method Poem, Method Music / Methodicism is not post mediums”
   Symposium “Method”
  December 8th Three-person talk with Akeo Okada x Masahiro Miwa x Hitsuji Yoshioka “Truth and Method once again”
  December 9th The reenactment concert of Masahiro Miwa’s work and talk event
  December 10th Motoaki Shinohara x Shigeru Matsui “Method and Meditation”
  Reunion of the Method Machine “Come, Gather, Become a Machine~!”
・February 23rd and 24th, 2024 Student presentation at the ICSAF 2023/JSSA Japanese Society for Sonic Arts Study Groups
・March 6th, 2024 Student presentation at the Chubu branch Study Groups of the Japan Society of Image Arts and Sciences