Project Research
The Art of Listening
研究代表者|金山智子 研究分担者|吉田茂樹、松井茂 研究期間|2023年度─ Principal Investigator: KANAYAMA Tomoko Co-Investigator: YOSHIDA Shigeki, MATSUI Shigeru Project Period: 2023-
前期は、鷲田清一の『「聴く」ことの力─臨床哲学試論 』を読み「きくこと」について話し合い、民話採集家の小野和子 のドキュメンタリーから「聞くこと」と「語ること」の関係について考えました。並行して、メンバー間で「きくこと」の小さな実践を重ね、7月のオープンハウスでは学生たちが聞くことをテーマにした「だんわしつ」を企画、「人の話をきく」ことに対する無意識的な行為が実は多様な面から成り立っていることを考察しました。 後期は、メンバーの関心や研究に紐づけながら「きくこと」を実践しました。
1. 上映会『ラジオ下神白―あのとき あのまちの音楽から いまここへ』&トークイベント2. うつわの記憶に関するグループインタビュー(根尾能郷集落)3. ドローンアートの実践でのフィールドワーク(南相馬市宝蔵寺)4. ゲームメディア・ワークショップ「ゲーム機のカセットやカードの思い出を語ろう 」5. ゲームキャスターOooda氏へのインタビュー6. フリースタイルの継承 久松真一図書資料展7. 分かりあえなさ(聴診器を用いた作品)8. 高校生街頭インタビュー(ぎふメディアコスモス)9. 奥能登国際芸術祭視察(珠洲市)
Generally to what extent are you conscious of “listening?” “Listening” can be said to be the foundation of all the workings in creating relationships with people. Further, “listening” is very critical in our research and expression activities. From personal narratives all the way to public interviews; researchers, field workers, artists, archivists, engineers, etc. all practice “listening.” On the other hand, whilst “speaking” is a cooperative generation activity from the mutual interaction between a speaker and listener, there is a focus on “speaking” with comparatively less discourse around “listening.” In fact, there are probably many who believe that “listening” is passive. Additionally, “listening” is an activity relating to the past and present, with “listening” rarely thought of as being connected to the future. This project is positioned in “listening” as an expressionary technique, and through that methodology, practice, and from an approach of philosophical significance, it will be thought of as a spontaneous and creative activity.
In the first half of the year we read Kiyokazu Washida’s “The Power of ‘Listening” – Clinical philosophy essay,” spoke collaboratively about “the act of listening” and from the folktale collection expert Kazuko Ono’s documentary we thought about the connection between “the act of listening” and “the act of speaking”. Simultaneously amongst the members we iterated small practices of “the act of listening,” and in July at the open house we planned a “conversation room” with “the act of listening” as a theme. We considered how the unconscious act of “listening to others” is actually composed of a variety of diverse aspects. In the latter half of the year, we practiced “the act of listening” whilst linking together the interests and research of the members.
1. Screening party of “Radio Shimokajiro – From that time, and that towns music, now here we go” and talk event2. Group interview concerning the memories of the vessel (Neo-nogo village)3. Practice of drone art through field work (Minamisoma city, Hosoji temple)4. Game media workshop “Let’s talk about our memories of cassettes and cards for gaming consoles”5. Game caster – Interview directed towards Mr.Oooda6. Freestyle succession Shinichi Hisamatsu’s exhibition of book materials7. The lack of understanding (An artwork using hearing aids)8. Street interview of highschool students (Gifu Media Cosmos)9. OkuNoto International Art Festival (Suzu city)
Opinion exchanges based on various themes, recollecting the collective memories of the region, the murmurs from the people of the region, sharing memories that transcend generations, speaking with professionals, creations based on discourse with people and objects, the expression of art based on “the act of listening,” interviews as a methodology, and through the various objectives and forms of practicing “the act of listening,” we came to understand yet again that the act of listening and speaking is a group activity, and that it is a multilayered human act and expression.