Interaction 95 |
1999.09.01 |
Date: July 17 - 24, 1995 Place: Suito-Pia Center (Gakushu-kan), Ogaki City Sponsored by : Executive Committee for International Art and Media Symposium (Gifu Pref. + Ogaki City) The History of Interactive Art / Itsuo Sakane Artworks Jeffrey Shaw / [ Golden Calf ] Agnes Hegedus / [ Handsight ] Michael Naimark / [ Karlsruhe Moviemap ] Luc Courchesne / [ Portrait One ] Christa Sommerer & Laurent Mignonneau / [ Interactive Plant Growing ] Jean-Louis Boissier / [ Mutatis mutandis ] Ed Tannenbaum / [ Rainbow Echo III ] David Rokeby / [ Very Nervous System ] Jim Campbell / [ Hallucination ] Toshio Iwai / [ Resonance of 4 ] International Art and Media Symposium Part one: Multimedia and Human Life [Panel Discussion]
[Lecture] Taku Kajiwara, (Gifu Prefectural Governor) Part Two: Today and Future in Multimedia Art [Multimedia Performance]
In holding this exhibition, we would like to express our sincerest thanks to the participetion of the artists and the following individuals and institutions for their kind cooperation. Planning and Direction: Itsuo Sakane Exhibition: Gifu Prifecture Government IAMAS Project Planning Office, Masaki Fujihata, Atsuhito Sekiguchi, Yayoi Wakabayashi Graphics: Yasuhito Nagahara Thanks to Atsuko Koishi, Kiyotane Hayashi, NTT/ICC Display: Nippon Event Planning Co.,Ltd. Supported by Sony Co.,Ltd. Nihon Silicon Graphics KK. Apple Computer Inc. |
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