| The Artists |
Christa Sommerer / Laurent Mignonneau (IAMAS artist-in-residence)
Haze Express Become a passenger on a train travelling through fog-enveloped space, and with a brush of your hand alter the scene reflected in the window-panes. One minute it's a fantasy street, the next you're in outer-space.....
Tamas Waliczky (IAMAS artist-in-residence)
Focus A blurred photo of a crowd. You choose one person from the mass and gradually the people around will begin to come into focus.
David Small / Tom White
Stream of Consciousness The flow of water in a small pool in a gravelled rock-garden. A column of letters flutter in its current. If you touch a small soft pad by the water's edge, lights begin to glint in the water and as they hit the letters, like a word association game, words and connections begin to appear.
Motoshi Chikamori + Kyoko Kunoh
KAGE - KAGE Touch your hand to the cones sticking out of the walls on both sides of you, and all kinds of "shadows" begin a whimsical dance, jumping around between the walls, and sometimes passing right through your body.
Scott-Sona Snibbe
Boundary Function If more than two people stand in the square of light, the space between each person is partitioned of by a boundary line that appears on the floor. Even if you try to jump over it, or have a race with one another round the area, the strange movements of the boundary line will be sure to catch up with you.
Elaine Brechin
Windgrass Breathe, and the lights move and flicker like fire. The existance of an unseen interface triggers a gentle conversation with nature.
Emily Weil
Screen Play Stand in front of the screen swaying slightly and your silhouette or body-shape will appear and a portrait or design drawn before you. Or hold up your hand and the whole body will move in that direction, and a portrait floating in space will be born. This is a test-run for this innovative and playful software.
Daniel Rozin
VideoPaint Easel With just a brush of the canvas, a portrait is automatically created. Change the pose or include the distant scenery, from the image taken by the camera you've the freedom to create a multilayered masterpiece.
Ronald MacNeil/William Keays
MetaField Maze Stand on the floor area and a giant maze sways like a see-saw. Find your balance and a globe will guide you to the goal in this simulation game that makes it necessary that you even remind yourself of the unseen gravity field around you.
Studio Azzurro
Frammenti di una Battaglia From a pool dug into the earth, a sandpit, a mound of fallen leaves and a bamboo thicket, all sorts of scenes of the human body in conflict appear in response to the spectator's voice or handclap. The fighting instinct of humanity is shown lying in piles, grasping at the air, somersaulting through space. 4 works will be shown from the spectacular video-installation series by Studio Azzurro based on the motif of a 15th century painting and created in the ancient fortified town of Lucca in Italy.