アフリカ: Ibrahima Ndiaye [Multimedia critic, Professor of Universite Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar, Senegal]
アジア太平洋地域: Elaine Ng [Independent curator specialized in contemporary and new media art, China]
ラテンアメリカ: Diana Domingues [Professor of de Caxias Do Sul, Brazil]
ヨーロッパ/北アメリカ: Gerfried Stocker [Director of Ars Electronica, Austria]
中東: Azza El-Hassan [Independent filmmaker, Palestine]
IAMAS: Itsuo Sakane [Representative of IAMAS] Hiroshi Yoshioka [Professor of IAMAS]
NFUAJ: Shigeru Okada [Secretary General of the National Federation of UNESCO Associations in Japan]
ユネスコ: Tereza Wagner [Deputy team leader for the Digi-Arts Project, ParisHeadquarters]
スーパーバイザー: Christa Sommerer [Associate Professor of IAMAS]