
Possibility of designing movements in which control and uncontrolled coexist, induced by magnetic liquid metal


Using dynamic power following the laws of physics such as magnetism, electrostatic force and tensile strength to operate a programmable real object, and a control technique are absolutely essential in practical applications for the industrial and robot society as a systemic base. Additionally, this technique is adapted to the expansion of interaction research using media art expression methods and real objects. Furthermore, in recent years based on developments in material studies, functions (properties) that do not originally occur in nature are artifically added, and there are various technical applications to be anticipated in computational operations which have been made possible through advancements in functional developments. On the other hand, concerning the movement design of new materials, the design of movements focusing on mechanical control with the objective of improving the accuracy of movements and unique movements of new materials are not considered as a part of design.
 Therefore in this research, as a work he presents the possibility of the design of a new movement where controlled movements by computer control and uncontrolled movements by the uniqueness of materials coexist. As for the research process, he firstly began with the creation of a magnetic liquid metal to create a medium for the design of a new movement. By creating materials by oneself, he thought that he could incorporate chemical knowledge of the formation process and changes in propertries due to adjustments made during the formation stage as one element of the design. Next, the movement of the created magnetic liquid metal was observed through prototyping and technical experiments. By actually observing the composition and elements of controlled and uncontrolled movements of the magnetic liquid metal, and by showing the constructed product in the form of an expression work to others, he sought an expression that would convey to others the possibility of “designing a coexistence of controlled and uncontrolled movements,” by receiving feedback through impressions and opinions of the work. Lastly, as a product of the research he planned an output in the form of a “work.” The reason for this was that since movement is perceived through dynamic images, the findings obtained in the research process could be taken in instantly and intuitively as an expression of movement when actually viewed and experienced as a work of art, rather than as a static representation through language and images in the form of a thesis. On the other hand, in this paper, the author discusses his impressions of the movements that he felt from the experiments, prototyping records and exhibition of practice pieces during the production of his master’s work. He also further discusses the movements that make up the work “metarium,” based on the movement attributes gained from the classification of magnetic liquid metals as components of uncontrolled movement. In addition, in this paper the significance of research and research results to intuitively convey the possibility of new movement design as a sense of art, and the possible applications of movement design where control and the lack thereof coexist will be discussed.
