HORIE Hiroki

地方創生関連事業における集合的創造性の研究 −アクターネットワークと共話に着目して−

Study of collective creativity in regional revitalization: Focusing on actor network and synlogues


There are high expectations for the creativity of entrepreneurship and startups in innovation and job creation in the region. The initiatives and efforts in revitalizing regions by the country involves the request for the setting of a national standard KPI (key performance indicator). On the other hand, there is a dilemma that in order to create innovation there is a desire to prioritize qualitative elements such as contingencies and relations.
 In this study, whilst using local development firms as an entry point, his goal was to investigate the overlooked relationships between people and things in those firms, the creativity that is borne from them, and in what way it is possible to evaluate those things.
 From a theoretical perspective, he focused on the idea of “collective creativity,” citing actor-network theory, linked ren verses, and set the following research questions: “1. How are people and things connected in local development projects, and regional revitalization?” and “2. In those connections, how is collective creativity generated.”
 As a research method, using a case study of a local creation project in Yuzawa City, Akita Prefecture, which the author was involved in implementing, a total of three surveys and analyses were conducted: network analysis, co-speech analysis, and an interview survey.
 As a conclusion to the first research question, the author showed that “local ‘deracines’ become mediators and make connections,” “non-human actors and human actors are connected by ‘controversial facts’,” and that “a place is created where region-specific actors can come together.” In addition, as a conclusion for the second research question, he showed that “hidden internal ideas are shared,” and that “the hidden internal ideas of others are layered.”
 In this study, by following and analyzing the relationship of actors closely, he clarified “how contingencies are created” and “how fermentation was encouraged” contributed to the creation and transformation of ideas in the places created by those contingencies. By creating a place where non-human actors of the local culture and society are connected with people with no existing connection, a place of emergence is created and ideas are born from there. In addition to such order, the non-human actors as well as local people were crucial in connecting people and creating a place.
 In this study he recorded 3 units and examined the possibilities between the four aims as a point for analysis. He presented that it is possible to evaluate region-specific collective creative spaces in future local development-related projects by making use of various records and reports.
