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IAMAS has a Research Student Program in place for those who would like to research a specific topic at our school. Research students conduct their research under the guidance of a faculty advisor in accordance with the research topic or research plan in which they have been permitted to engage at the time of their enrollment. Research students do not receive an academic degree or course credit.
* Credited Auditors are not currently being accepted.

Number of students to be admitted

A few

Who can apply?

Research student applicants must have graduated from university or be recognized by IAMAS as having academic ability equal to or greater than that of a university graduate. If your native language is not Japanese, you must pass the Japanese-Language Proficiency Test N2 (N1 is preferred), or have scored a 240 or higher on the listening and reading section and a 30 or higher on the writing section of the EJU (Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students).

When can research students start school?

If you pass the first exam, you can enroll in October of the same year or April of the following year, and if you pass the second exam, you can enroll in the following April.

Application Requirements

To apply, be sure to meet with the teacher you would like to advise your research and apply by the deadline along with the application fee.

  1. Research Student Enrollment Application  [PDF 159KB]  [Word 21KB]
  2. Research Plan  [PDF 46KB]  [Word 31KB]
  3. Research Guidance Approval Certificate  [PDF 99KB]
  4. Proof of graduation and transcript from the last school you attended
  5. Any other documents the IAMAS president deems necessary
    • If your native language is not Japanese, you must pass the Japanese-Language Proficiency Test N2 (N1 is preferred), or have scored a 240 or higher on the listening and reading section and a 30 or higher on the writing section of the EJU (Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students).
  6. Envelope for sending the results of the entrance examination: A standard-size envelope (23.5 cm x 12 cm) with stamps for registered express mail fee attached, clearly marked with your name and address. Write "Research Student Selection Results" in red on the front of the envelope.

Additionally, applicants who are currently employed (including those working for the government) must submit the following documents:

  1. Written agreement affirming the applicant is applying to be a research student to engage in personal research
  2. Written agreement from your work supervisor affirming that you are not applying to be a research student as part of a work-related project
  3. Written agreement from your work supervisor affirming your workplace consents to you enrolling in IAMAS as a research student while working for them
Application Method:
The application must be sent via registered express mail from a post office (must arrive by 17:00 on the last day of the period).
Where to send you application:
IAMAS Academic Office
4-1-7 Kagano, Ogaki-shi, Gifu 503-0006

Entrance Exam Schedule

First Round Second Round
Submission Period of Eligibility Evaluation May 2 -
May 9, 2024
December 2 -
December 5, 2024
Deadline for an interview for application May 31, 2024 January 10, 2025
Submission Period for Applications June 3 -
June 6, 2024
January 14 -
January 17, 2025
Announcement of Results July 5, 2024 February 7, 2025
Admission Paperwork Deadline July 25, 2024 February 27, 2025

Research Guidance Approval Certificate

Before applying to enroll as a research student, you must first consult face-to-face or online (e.g., via Zoom or Skype) with a faculty member whom you would like to guide your research and explain to them what you intend to do at IAMAS. If the instructor approves, you must obtain a certificate from them asserting that they agree to guide your research should you pass the entrance exam. Enclose this certificate with your application. If this certificate is not included, your application will not be accepted.

You can consult with faculty members during the dates above before the exam you intend to take. To contact a faculty member, please first send an email to the IAMAS Academic Office (Email: jimukyoku@ml.iamas.ac.jp). In this email, specify which instructor you would like to contact and include a message for them. The office will forward that message to the instructor. To find out more about our faculty, please refer to the URL below. Your faculty advisor must be a regular faculty member; specially appointed professors, part-time lecturers, honorary presidents, or professors emeritus are ineligible.

Paying the enrollment examination fee

Examination fee
(If you are also applying for the master's course, you will need to pay for that course separately)
  • You must purchase this amount in “Gifu Prefecture Revenue Certification Stamps” (Gifu-ken shūnyū shōshi) and affix them to the back of your application form. Be careful not to mistakenly purchase “revenue stamps” (shūnyū inshi) or another prefecture’s revenue certification stamps.
  • “Gifu Prefecture revenue certification stamps” may be obtained at financial institutions headquartered in Gifu prefecture and at certain local organizations (prefectural offices, etc.).
  • If it is difficult for you to obtain “Gifu Prefecture Revenue Certification Stamps” please enclose with your application an “ordinary money order” (futsū kawase) issued by Japan Post Bank. In this case, be sure to NOT affix this to your application. Leave blank the box in the upper portion of the money order marked “指定受取人おなまえ” (name of recipient) and the box in the lower portion marked “おところ・おなまえ・印” (place, name, seal).
  • Once paid, the examination fee cannot be refunded.

Entrance Fee

Those from outside Gifu prefecture: 101,500 yen
Residents of Gifu prefecture: 67,700 yen

School Fees

29,700 yen per month


IAMAS Academic Office
4-1-7 Kagano, Ogaki-shi, Gifu 503-0006