Research / Collaborative Projects
Research Showcase
Research Center for Industrial Culture
Joint and Commissioned Research

Research relating to the complete design of children-oriented lectures and practical teaching materials using AR
The complete design of the children-oriented course, the “junior space expert qualification course” was done in collaboration with IAMAS graduate designers and held at the Gifu-Kakamigahara Air and Space Museum. Furthermore, a learning and appreciation system that uses AR was set up through collaborating with Sorahaku, and we held discussions about an exhibition space for the children to learn experientially.

IAMAS Kodomo Daigaku
Since 2017, these workshops have been planned and held based on the philosophy of IAMAS for children in Ogaki, to improve their ability to practically use various technologies through unique expression experiences that use a variety of media. By extension, we also aim to nurture their ability to create new “things” both tangible and intangible.

Medicos Hiroba Media Lab Seisaku Workshop
A workshop was held in collaboration with IAMAS graduate designers in the “Minna no Mori'' Gifu Media Cosmos plaza, with the objective of creating a space for citizens that anybody can freely use known as the “Media Lab”. We conducted research on-site and based on the ideas proposed by participants it led to the production of fixtures to be actually used in the Media Lab.
Collaborations between Industry, Schools, and Government / Discussions about Local Collaboration
At IAMAS, as we deepen our research into local culture and information science, we contribute to the local community with the results of our collaborative research. We do this by cooperating with businesses, local government, cultural / research organizations, NPO's, and other organizations. As an organization attached to IAMAS, the Research Center for Industrial Culture supports the establishment of research agreements starting with discussions about collaboration, coordinating with faculty and the Projects.
Guest Researcher System

Our guest researcher system was established in order to contribute to the development of academic research at the Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences by accepting academic researchers to our school. Our school can accept professors, associate professors, lecturers, or others with equivalent qualifications deemed appropriate by the school president. As a general rule, guest researcher's period of research at IAMAS is six months or less. If you would like to come to IAMAS as a guest researcher, please inquire as indicated below. We will contact you with more information and instructions on how to apply.
Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences Academic Office
4-1-7 Kagano, Ogaki-shi, Gifu 503-0006 JAPAN
TEL : 0584-75-6641
FAX : 0584-75-6637
E-mail :
At IAMAS, 18 faculty members work together with students while traversing across multiple disciplines through their personal research and their projects. With the goal of educating creators active in the extensive fields surrounding media society, we hope to deepen our knowledge and expertise through discussions and the intermingling of diverse values.