Yoshida Shigeki
Born in Ogaki, Gifu Prefecture in 1962, Shigeki Yoshida specializes in computer networks. He has been involved with the WIDE Project since before the dawn of the internet, working with themes like super distributed information retrieval and autonomous data distribution. During that period, he also helped with the construction of network systems at educational and administrative organizations. In recent years, his main activities have involved education, enlightenment, and community building, as well as the social application of IT.
Mail address
Teaching program
Master’s program
Classes (Masters Course)
Research Field
- Computer Networks
Academic Degree
- Master of Engineering (Toyohashi University of Technology)
- 1982.04 - 1984.03
- Toyohashi University of Technology Engineering Department Architectural Engineering
- 1984.04 - 1986.03
- Toyohashi University of Technology Graduate School Architectural Engineering
- 1986.04 - 1991.03
- CSK Co.
- 1991.04 - 1997.03
- Tokyo University, Institute of Industrial Science Assistant
- 1997.04 - 2011.03
- International Academy of Media Arts and Sciences Assistant Professor / Professor
- 2011.04 -
- Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences Professor
- 2013.04 - 2017.03
- Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences President