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Specialized Classes

Media Creation A (Environment)

The expression called “media art” which appeared at the beginning of the 1990s does not just grapple against the rapid succession of information technology, cross various domains, and connect with new and old forms of media in unprecedented ways. Rather, it invents new forms of media, etc. and it can be taken as a movement deviating away from the pre-existing frame of that state in itself. Communication which is represented by social media, problems regarding natural disasters, the environment and energy, and the excessive reliance on media mediated exhibition functions; in present times where perhaps the boundary between the ordinary and extraordinary has become blurred, a need has emerged to examine once again the possibilities and meaning that media expressions hold. At the same time as that, there will possibly be a need to re-examine the interactions between the existence of humans and the world. In each lecture, the professor in charge will provide various examples from each perspective following the theme and raise questions, analyses and observations. Concerning the format of the lectures, whilst there will be regular lectures, there will also be practical contents that will prioritize the personal experience. Additionally, through the organization of an opportunity for 3 professors to engage in dialogue, the sharing of questions and their mutual catalysis will be reinvigorated.

Course Format

Lectures, discussions and the creation of simple assignments

Course Plan / Overview

Class 1 (September 20th, all professors): Opening
Class 2 (September 20th, Akamatsu): The historical changes of mobility
Class 3 (September 20th, Akamatsu): The social strategy of mobility
Class 4 (September 30th, Maebayashi): Interaction and frame problems
Class 5 (September 30th, Maebayashi): “Technologies” to create “sensations”
Class 6 (October 7th, Kobayashi): The effects brought about by technology
Class 7 (October 7th, Kobayashi): The sense of distance with technology
Class 8 (Octoboer 21st, Akamatsu): Transformations of cognition in reality
Class 9 (October 21st, Akamatsu): Physical rotations of the body in reality
Class 10 (November 18th, Maebayashi): Place, sense, media
Class 11 (November 18th, Maebayashi): The three S’ (spectacle, simulacrum, simulation)
Class 12 (November 22nd, Kobayashi): Field trip (a practical workshop to grasp the sense of distance)
Class 13 (November 22nd, Kobayashi): Personal experience (human strength and machinery)
Class 14 (November 25th, all professors): Presentation of work and critiques
Class 15 (November 25th, all professors): Closing remarks

Textbooks / Reference Materials

“Mobilities” by John Urry (2007)
“The 4th Revolution” by Luciano Floridi (2014)
“The User Illusion” by Tor Norretranders
“From Descartes to Bateman” by Morris Berman
“Being Alive” by Tim Ingold
“Post Human” by Ray Kurzweil (2005)
「適正技術と代替社会」田中 直(2012)

General Studies Classes General Studies 1 (General Overview) ・ 2 (Development) ・ 3 (Detailed Discussion)
Specialized Classes Media Creation B (Interaction)