Yamada Koji
Originally from Aichi Prefecture, Koji Yamada has previously researched topics like image processing and recognition, as well as the kansei information processing of character fonts. Since then, he has become interested in networks like IPv6, and has been conducting research on how networks are used and how information is shared. Also, he has recently been working on research to provide support for disabled people with technology, using networks and tablets computers.
Teaching program
Master’s program , Doctoral Program
Classes (Masters Course)
Classes (Doctoral Course)
Research Field
- Information Engineering
Academic Degree
- Ph.D (Engineering) (Nagoya Institute of Technology)
- - 1998.03
- Nagoya Institute of Technology Intelligent Information Systems Course
- 1996.04 - 1998.03
- Nagoya Institute of Technology Digital Information Engineering, Master's Course
- - 2003.03
- Nagoya Institute of Technology Digital Information Engineering, Doctoral Course
- 2001.04 - 2004.03
- Softopia Japan Researcher
- 2005.04 - 2015.03
- Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences Lecturer